Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Suitor For Jenny

This book was amazingly delicious!  I devoured it so fast you would have thought it was a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.  No, I’m serious.  I read it that fast.

Book Rating:  Best of the Best

I loved the premise of this story:  Girl goes to town looking for husbands for her sisters, but insists she doesn't need one herself.  (Of course you can imagine she ends up with one...teehee...)  I knew I had to read this!

Jenny Higgins is a very determined, hard working girl who comes to Rocky Creek because she read in a newspaper that this town had the highest number of eligible bachelors in Texas.  Too bad it was a misprint—but she doesn’t know that.  She has been caring for her sisters since their parents died many years ago and the responsibility has weighed very heavily on her.  In their dire circumstances it made her do things she never wanted to do, and now she believes no one will ever truly love her.  All she needs to do is find men who can care for her sisters financially so they will never starve again.

Rhett Armstrong (hel-LO!  His name alone is super hot!) is the town Marshall and when someone bursts into his office claiming the town is being taken-over by three women looking for husbands, he dismisses it.  But, over time he can’t believe how true that statement really was.  And little does he know how “Colonel Jenny” will change is life forever.

Now, as you know, I won’t divulge any more of the yummy details, so that’s why you just gotta go read it yourself.  But I will tell you, that I thought the romantic tension was magnificent, the characters were SO fun and the spiritual message was inspiring.  I loved it all.

I know you’re wondering.  Which would I rather choose: a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos or this book. Sorry, Doritos.  I would choose this book.

Happy Reading!
Buy it!


  1. You've written such a good review that I had to read this book! It's my first book by this author and I LOVED IT! What a wonderful sense of humor! And I LOVED the etiquette advice by Miss Abigalil Jenkings written as an opening to each chapter! What a clever idea! I am sure going to find more books by Margaret Brownley. I really like historical romances with the romantic tension and passion. Tons of love, Beata

    1. Wasn't this book just so cute?! :) So glad you love it. I just read another Brownley book and I plan to write my review soon!!
