Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Preacher's Bride

Here is yet another story of strength and fearlessness through Christ, in the face of severe difficulties.  (Funny side note matter how many times I have read this title, I still want to say The Preacher's Wife!  Duh?!  What's my problem?!  I think I'm broken...)

Book Rating:  Best of the Best

I fell in love with Hedlund's writing after I read The Doctor’s Lady.  I immediately ordered The Preacher's Bride, and waited (quite impatiently, I might add) for it to arrive at my door. It came by way of UPS and no one saw me for the next 24 hours.  OK, not really—but I did spend every spare moment reading it.  As with The Doctor's Lady, this book is based on truth--I just love that!

If you are a mother, (and even if you are not…) the first pages will tug, violently at your heart, and you will not be able to stop reading!

Elizabeth Whitbread is a sweet, caring, and unassuming looking woman, who feels that God is leading her to take care of John Costin’s children, in the wake of his wife’s death.  (Let me say quickly here, that I had no idea about this time in England’s history, and I was SO fascinated!  Wow. You will simply love this time-period!)

John Costin, the leading man, believes it is his mission to spread the word of God, no matter how he is threatened or abused.

As his grief over his wife’s death passes, John begins to fall in love with Elizabeth and sees her as the perfect companion for him.  She is already deeply in love with him—for his faith, his strength, his determination and not to mention dashingly good looks!  *sigh * Love it!  But the obstacles they face are almost too oppressive to bear.

There is a wonderful rescue scene in this book…I dog-eared the page, so if I just wanna go back and read that part I can. (teehee...)  I have been found, numerous times, reading that particular part with a big, silly grin on my face.  It’s at those moments my husband knows I must have had a particularly stressful day chasing my kiddos around.  So, wisely, he let’s me finish, before he asks what we are having for dinner.

Your faith will be strengthened when you read this book, no doubt.  Enjoy!

Happy Reading!
Buy it!


  1. I'm honored to get another "best of the best" Amber!! Thank you for the very lovely review!

    And as far as hiding away from the kids to finish a book--I'm guilty! :-) I just ran across a quote this week that was really cute about reading. It said something like, "It's okay that you fed the kids pop tarts and let them watch cartoons all day so that you could finish that book. You were modeling a love of reading, and that is priceless." ;-)

  2. Jody!
    That is a great quote! LOL So glad I am not alone in that! :)
    SO so thrilled you stopped by and that you made a comment--thank you very much! Can't wait to have you as the featured author in Sep when your new book comes out--yay!!
    God Bless! Talk soon!
