There isn't....
I can't begin to....
How can I even....
Uh.... apparently there's only one way to describe this book.
Book Rating: Best of the Best
This is your brain:

This is your brain on Tamara Leigh:

As a reader, you will seriously not be the same. This second book, The Yielding was beyond even my cloud-nine expectations. And considering how much I enjoyed the first one (you read my review of The Unveiling--you know the considerable gushing that took place) I didn't think I could realllllllly like this book as much as I liked the first one. I mean, how can you get better than 100% fabulous? Well, the Age of Faith series has a standard, and I'm gettin' the idea that its met every single time.
This book follows the story of Lady Beatrix, Garr's younger sister. (Hold on a sec did some one say Garr??) Yes, I did, and I know its difficult, but try to keep yourself together. Anyway, Beatrix is accused of something she didn't do and the man who wants to see justice done, ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for! We'll get to Dr. Dreamy in a second but first I want to talk about the heroine....
BLESS MY SOUL! As much as I loved Annyn (she is still one of the best heroine's I've ever read), I think Beatrix is even "more awesomer"! The perfect balance of courage, conviction, faith and femininity. You know those Rambo-esque heroines where they're so tough they scare you? Or the ones that are so blasted stubborn you feel like wringing their little necks and screaming, "Jeez girl, I don't know why he's into you, you're crazy!" Well, enter Lady Beatrix. Beatrix was brave and very courageous, but with all the class of Audrey Hepburn. She stuck to her convictions without once being annoying--IN FACT, I was inspired by her quiet determination and faith that more than once I found myself sighing in awe of her. Her trust in God was so real and so deeply rooted, I determined I want to be more like that.
As with The Unveiling, this story has an incredible spiritual thread. I haven't been so touched by a Christian message in a long time, but this one--of yielding to God--struck me. There was nothing in-your-face or preachy at all. Which, of course, is another one of the reasons why I find Tamara Leigh so out of this world. She is able to weave this thread that is so powerful and makes me want to improve myself without once making me feel like she did it on purpose.
Before I go on, I NEED to talk about our beloved hero, Dr. Dreamy, i.e, Michael D'Arci. This man is Fab. U. Lous! FABULOUS!! *shudder* Not only does he have muscles on top of his muscles (think Chris Hemsworth) and the sheer magnetism of James Bond (Sean Connery, Daniel Craig--take your pick), his spiritual transformation made me literally fall in love with him--like, really in love. There's a scene in this book--oh my word!!--with him in his armor when he and Beatrix... Oh, I can't give anything away, but let me just tell you. I cried. And for me, that's really rare. It was so touching and sweet and so romantic, I mean I nearly died. But I had to stay alive to keep reading...... so..... *wink*
Have you gotten book one yet? Have you let your house go to pot while you blissfully get lost in the world of the Wulfriths? There's still time to repent... go by these now and I won't tell anyone it took you so long. *teehee*
Happy Reading!
BUY IT!!!!