Sunday, December 1, 2013

December's Author of the Month

Welcome to the last month of the year! Can you believe it's already here? (*teehee*, that rhymes!) Another year past--full of both joys and sorrows. And no matter the height nor depth of the peaks and valleys, Christ has been with each of us every step of the way.

As you may recall, last year I focused on Christ for the month of December, and I think I need to make it a tradition. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith, and it seems only fitting that we should focus our attentions on Him.

Are we not all beggars? Are we not all subject to sin and the frailties that come with being human? Of course we are. None of us can measure up. Not without Christ. He was born--and died--so that we can live again. Because of His infinite atonement, this mortal shall take on a glorious immortality. We will be able to live with Him in the eternities, singing endless praises to His glorious name in numberless concourses of angels.

Christ gave us a gift we can never repay. He has saved us from hell! As I consider this unfathomable gift, I wonder, what gift will I give to my Savior this Christmas? I believe the best way to show my love, is to serve others. Isn't that what Christ's life was all about? When we enter the waters of baptism we take upon ourselves the name of Christ and promise to do good in all times, in all things, and in all places. I must be Christ's hands here on earth, every day of my life, and show His love by my actions. Its not always easy, but He will be with me--I know it.

I want to bare my testimony that I know God lives, that He loves us and that He will come again in great glory. When I stand before my Savior at the judgement bar, I hope He will say, "Come unto me, ye blessed. There is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father."

Thank you all for being such a blessing in my life.

May you always remember your worth in the sight of The One who was born for you.

God bless you and Merry Christmas!


  1. Amber, this is beautiful and a wonderful start to a tradition!


    1. Beth, thank you so much! I appreciate your comment! God bless you and have a great week! :)

  2. Oh, Amber, LOVE this!! And LOVE you!! :)


    1. Thanks for stopping by Julie and thank you for always being so supportive! :)

  3. Amber...your message is the perfect way to start the Christmas season. Thank you for your testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ! It fills my heart with joy and my soul echos your witness. A favorite hymn of mine states, " I believe in Christ, so come what may." It's true: we can do all things through Christ who is our strength

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this, Amber.

    You are a huge blessing, and come January, you're gonna be BUSY!!!

    1. Hi Jennifer! What a pleasant surprise to see you here--I love it! :) Thank you for your kind words. And hopefully I won't be too busy in Jan, but I know I'll be busy in March and April...unless you know something I don' I'm scared. ;)
