SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am alive, thank you very much. You were beginning to think I'd disappeared, I know. And to be honest, its a little bit true. I've disappeared from many aspects of technology of late, and its been the best detox I've done in years!
However, this does not mean I have have stopped reading or that I have completely forsaken my fellow HCR friends and readers. Never! And to prove my point I have yet another review for you, despite the fact that it's been weeks since I've done my last one.
"Tell us, Amber? What book will you rave about now? Who is the author you will acquaint us with?"
Oh, you know her well. She's only the untouchable Tamara. :)
Book Rating: Best of the Best
Before you roll your eyes at me (I see you doing it!!!) and get all, "Yeah, we know you love her, blah, blah, blah..." let me tell you about her latest release and I can promise y'all, you will not be disappointed. Not at all!! (Do you love how I rhymed that? Totally unintentional.)
Lady of Fire is such a unique story--starting out in a setting I have never before read and it really hooked me from the get-go. With fascinating characters and intense action, this book was sure to have me up at night. And it totally did. You are not surprised, are you? *wink*
Lucien and Alessandra are both incredibly strong-willed characters that burn this book up with their, well, their passion. And I'm not talking about bodice-ripping passion (although they are kind of into each other...) I mean passion for their beliefs, convictions, etc.
The first half of this story was really, absolutely amazing!!! I felt like I WAS IN Algiers!!! Oh man, the blazing hot sun, the soft fabrics, the scents of spices. Seriously! I loved every bit of it. The second half changed dramatically when the setting moved continents, but stayed none-the-less intriguing, bringing readers back to the setting we are all so familiar with in Tamara's medieval books.
If you are ready for a novel that will keep you up for hours (not that you have presents to wrap or cookies to bake or anything...) then git'cherself a copy of this one, ladies! Clean passion, tons of adventure, awesome hero--I mean how greedy can you be? It doesn't get better than this!
Now, readers, I'm totally dead serious here. I need suggestions of new authors/books to read. You know what I like!!! I would LOVE to have some suggestions for great reads that will carry me through the holidays!!
AND I PROMISE that once the holidays are over, and once my edits are done I can get back to reviewing more. I just gotta find some good new books... :D
Happy Reading!
Buy it!